Anis Senoussi

EMBO postdoctoral fellow @Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Junker Lab


Self-organization, embryo development, systems biology, active matter, RNA regulation


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  1. Senoussi A, Galas JC & Estevez-Torres A. Programmed mechano-chemical coupling in reaction-diffusion active matter.
    2021, Science Advances [article, bioRxiv]
  2. Senoussi A, Vyborna Y, Berthoumieux H, Galas JC & Estevez-Torres A. Book chapter: "Learning from embryo development to engineer self-organizing materials".
    2021, in Out-of-equilibrium supramolecular systems and materials, Giuseppone N & Walther A [chapter, HAL]
  3. Senoussi A, Kashida S, Voituriez R, Galas JC, Maitra A & Estevez-Torres A. Tunable corrugated patterns in an active nematic sheet.
    2019, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [article, arXiv]
  4. Senoussi A, Lee Tin Wah J, Shimizu Y, Robert J, Jaramillo A, Findeiss S, Axmann I M & Estevez-Torres A. Quantitative characterization of translational riboregulators using an in vitro transcription-translation system.
    2018, ACS Synthetic Biology [article, bioRxiv]
  5. PhD thesis: Design of molecular systems for artificial pattern formation and gene regulation. 2020 [.pdf]

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